Tips para la Mombusho II

julio 17, 2009 at 3:52 am (Monbukagakusho)

Ya se acerca la fecha para la mombusho 2010, los nervios y la ansiedad crecen. Si aún se preparan para el examen aquí va mi humilde, breve aporte que les servirá – espero –  tanto a los postulantes de pregrado y postgrado.

Mi aporte consistirá en el desglose de esa sección extraña de la prueba “in the following one underlined part is incorrect. Choose the incorrect part” Aviso que seleccioné algunos que me parecieron más complejos y los saqué de los exámenes del 2006 y 2008 si  no me equivoco. El que realmente ha estudiado está sección aquello no será un problema.

In different parts of the English-speaking world,(A)female speakers have been found to use forms considered (B)to be ‘better’ or come ‘correct’ than those used by men. Why should this be? As far as English-speaking societies are concernid, we can (C) make intelligent guesses in the following lines. Sociological studies have demonstrated that women in our society are, generally speaking, more status-conscious than men. For this reason, they will be (D) more sensitive to the social significance of the social-class-related linguistic variables such as multiple negation.


Respuesta: C. Aquí el “error” es de una simple colocación, es decir no decimos “make intelligent guesses in the following lines” sino que “make intelligent guesses along the following lines”

I (A) leaned a polite elbow on the counter and looked across at (B) the happy-faced young guy in the polka dotted bow tie. I looked from him to the girl at the small PBX against the side wall. She was an outdoorsy type with shiny makeup and (C)a horse tail of medium blond hair sticked out at the back of her head. But she had nice large soft eyes and when they looked at the clerk they glistened. I looked back at him and (D) chocked back a snarl. The girl at the PBX swing her horse tail in an arc and put the eye on me also.

Respuesta: C. El verbo “stick” no es regular, por lo tanto no decimos “sticked”. El past tense y el participle son “stuck.”En este caso tenemos un phrasal verb que es “stick out” que significa sobresalir.

(A)John Case came home one summer evening to find his wife huddled in the corner of the sofa with the sitting-room curtains drawn. She said there was a black dog in the garden, looking at her through the window. Her husband put his briefcase in the hall and went outside. There was no dog; (B) a blackbird fled shrieking across the lawn and someone was using a mower. (C) He did not see how any dog could get into the garden: (D) the fences at either sides were five feet high and there was a wall at the far end.


Respuesta: D. Lo correcto es “either side” porque es como decir en castellano “cualquier lado” lo otro habría sido poner “on both sides” pero si hay un “either” nopes.


Many elements of American society feel prisoners should be treated humanely, (A) with an eye to rehabilitation rather than torture. Many other elements in society feel that prisoners are venid the bars in order to be punished and that (B) imprisonment is not, itself, punishment enough. The result is an uneasy compromise in that prisoners (C) are generally not treated well enough to keep them from feeling a rising resentment, and, on the other hand, (D) are not treated so badly to be starved and beaten into helpless compliance. The result is ocasional prison riots.

Respuesta: D ya que la expresión formal debería ser “are not treated so badly as to be starved”

Bueno y aquí termina mi aporte porque ya tengo los dedos tiesos. Soy lenta para escribir >_< especialmente si debo copiar textos. Mi último comentario es que se fijen en los errores que se pueden encontrar generalmente son colocaciones, pero también, como vimos, pueden aparecer errores como un plural que era singular o un verbo escrito en una forma que no corresponde. Conversando con una profesora nativa- EEUU- me comento que la única forma de que a uno le vaya bien en esta sección es aprendido inglés old-fashioned. Y me recomendo leer The Scarlet Letter de Nathaniel Hawthorne, un novelista y cuentista estadounidense. En unos días más a lo mejor tengo más de esto, pero del test 2009.


A todos los que postulen les deseo lo mejor del mundo. Pucha que hace falta un blog con un chico o chica que haya obtenido la beca de pregrado. Cualquier pregunta relacionada con el test o comentario serán bien recibidos. Chai.

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